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Taking advantage of the popularity of the show, a lot of merchandise was produced. In this section, you will find out more about the print tie-ins to the U.N.C.L.E. series. In addition, we also have a collection of reviews from fans. Visit our WHERE TO BUY section for suggestions as to where you can get hold of some of the print paraphernalia. The ones produced in the '80s and '90s, e.g., the comic series published by That's Entertainment and the U.K. paperback reprints, are readily available. PAPERBACK NOVELSIn the U.S., ACE published 23 paperback novels in the 60's based on The Man From U.N.C.L.E.. By the time Number 23 was published, the show had already been cancelled. David McDaniel, considered by many fans to be the author who had been most successful in capturing the spirit of the show, completed Volume 24, entitled The Final Affair, in an attempt to tie up all the loose ends. Because of the dwindling interest in the show, this novel was never released in the mass market. But some fans managed to get a copy and so go ahead, ask around, you might be able to read it after all. McDaniel was a fan himself and an interesting character. You can read more about him , including how he got involved with writing the U.N.C.L.E. novels and other behind the scenes stories. Here are some comments from Gene DeWeese, another U.N.C.L.E. author, about McDaniel (and other topics!) J. Hunter Holly, author of Number 10, The Assasination Affair, also had an U.N.C.L.E. novel that suffered the same fate. Her work was eventually published in a fanzine. You can order it from Paula Smith. Go to the zine publisher page for more information.
There were 16 U.K. Man From U.N.C.L.E. paperbacks published in the '60s also. They were the same titles that were produced for the U.S. market, but the order was different. Also, the U.K. editions have different covers, and in some of the novels, very minor differences in language. E.g., where the word "raincoat" is used in the U.S. edition, the U.K. version will use "mackintosh". Further, in the '90s, four of the paperbacks were republished in the U.K. They are: The Thousand Coffins Affair, The Doomsday Affair, The Copenhagen Affair and The Stone Cold Dead in the Market Affair.
Reviews by Fans
Title and Author Listings
DIGEST MAGAZINESA total of 24 digest magazines were published monthly from February 1966 to January 1968. Each contained an U.N.C.L.E. story and other shorter mysteries. Though each volume credited Robert Hart Davis as the writer, the stories were actually written by many different authors!
Reviews by Fans
Title and Author ListingsCOMICSThe comics were extremely popular in the '60s. In the U.S., they were published by Gold Key. In the late '80s, That's Entertainment published 12. They have full color covers wit a black and white interior. Millenium released two - The Birds of Prey Affair number 1 and 2.
Title Listings
There were other paper items published during the '60s. For instance, Walter Gibson wrote an oversized U.N.C.L.E. book entitled The Coin of El Diablo Affair, published by Wonder Books. The Whitman Company brought out three hardcover books. The first two were both penned by Brandon Keith: The Affair of the Gentle Saboteur and The Affair of the Gunrunner's Gold. The last one was a "Big-Little" book entitled The Calcutta Affair. In the U.K., three annuals were published. They were hardcover books
and contained stories and comic strips reprinted from the U.N.C.L.E. comic
books, but the text stories were new, and written by the staff at World
Notably, there were three magazines entirely on Vaughn and McCallum: